
Ludger Johannes has specialized in the field of endocytosis and intracellular trafficking. He and his team study how sugars attached to proteins or lipids influence the transport of biological material into eukaryotic cells. Johannes is research director “classe exceptionnelle”(DRE) at the Institut Nationale de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM, where he was recruited in 1997. He currently directs the Cellular and Chemical Biology department (U1143 INSERM–UMR3666 CNRS) at Institut Curie in Paris, France. He is an elected member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO], and German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and an alumnus of the Germany-based Boehringer Ingelheim Fond–Foundation for Basic Research in Medicine and the German Academic Scholarship Foundation Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes.

Dr. Ye-Lehmann graduated from the Chemistry Department of Peking University with a bachelor degree. She went to the USA in 1998 and received PhD in chemistry from the University of Pennsylvania in 2004. She moved to France as a research fellow at the Institute of Biology of Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS) in 2010, sponsored by the Pierre-Gille de Gennes Foundation. She subsequently became a project leader in ENS and was recruited by INSERM as a tenured researcher in 2011. In 2016, through an open call competition, she was awarded to set up a Synthetic Biology Team in the Laboratory of Computational and Quantitative Biology of the Sorbonne University. From 2016 to 2019, she moved to the INSERM U1195 unit specialized in neurosteroids and diseases, which situated inside the Bicetre Hospital. Since then she focuses on innovative optogenetics tools to study structural-function relationships of neuronal receptors, and providing therapeutic insights for anesthesia and diseases such as the Alzheimer's. She has published more than 50 papers in journals.

Prof. Suchkov graduated from Astrakhan State Medical University with MD in 1980. In 1985, maintained his PhD at the Sechenov University. In 2002, maintained his Doctor’ s Degree at the National Institute of Immunology, Russia. From 2004 through the present, utilizing an experience gained whilst staying in USA, Europe and Japan, was doing a lot to implement technologies and philosophy of Personalized and Precision Healthcare services into the daily clinical practice of Russia. Have prepared and finalized a Business Plan for getting it done in a stepwise manner! At present, Dr Sergey Suchkov is: Professor and Chair (full-time job) of the Dept for Personalized Medicine, Precision Nutriology & Biodesign of the Institute for Biotechnology & Global Health of the Russian Biotechnology University (RosBioTech), Russia; Professor of Department for Clinical Allergology & Immunology, A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine & Dentistry (MGMSU), Russia; Member of EPMA (European Association for Predictive, Preventive and Personalized Medicine), PMC (Personalized Medicine Coalition), ISPM (International Society for Personalized Medicine), American Chemical Society (ACS), New York Academy of Sciences, ARVO Foundation of Eye Research, ISER (International Society for Eye Research), American Heart Association (AHA), International Association for Medical Education (AMEE) and Secretary General of United Cultural Convention (UCC).

Dr. Nandini Vasudevan is currently working as an Associate Professor in Endocrinology in the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Reading, United Kingdom. She has been Member of the Molecular & Cellular Medicine Group Esteem Factors: she was PI on a NSF CAREER (USA) grant "Role of nongenomic estrogen signaling in neuromorphology and behavior (April 2011- Dec 2015; 1 million USD), co-investigator on NIH R01 Grant "Short term estradiol in middle age: implications for female cognitive aging" (2012-2017; 1,388,365 USD; PI: Dr. Daniels). She also serves Reviewer for endocrine and molecular endocrine journals, and reviewer for National Science Foundation (NSF), USA grants.

Dr. Zhe Zeng is a senior scientist affiliated with the Danone Nutricia Research Institute in the Netherlands. He has been engaged in research on gut microbiota and microbial physiological metabolism for over ten years. He obtained his Ph.D. from Wageningen University in the Netherlands and his Master's degree from the Key Laboratory of Synthetic Biology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He also serves as a guest editor for the renowned microbiology journal Frontiers in Microbiology and as an industry mentor for several universities. He founded NewPro Bioworks, which leverages synthetic biology enabling technologies and precision fermentation to advance the biomanufacturing of functional dairy proteins such as lactoferrin, casein, and beta-lactoglobulin.

Dr. Han currently serving as a Senior Researcher at Greater Bay Area Institute of Precision Medicine and a Concurrent Researcher at the School of Life Sciences, Fudan University. He obtained his Ph.D. in 2006 from the National University of Singapore (NUS), and from 2006 to 2009, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) in the United States. From 2009 to 2018, he served as a Staff Scientist and Senior Scientist at the NIH. From 2018 to 2021, he was the Chief Scientist at Tencent's U.S. Medical AI Lab and a Tencent Expert Researcher. His main research areas are Artificial Intelligence-Aided Drug Design (AIDD) and bioinformatics; focusing on the next-generation artificial intelligence pharmaceutical technology driven by data and knowledge, as well as research combining AI with medicine, pharmacy, biology, and chemical knowledge driven by big data.

Dr. Wu studies at the Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, her main research direction was the signaling mechanism of T cells, focusing on the activation mechanism of the T cell immune receptor TCR from the perspectives of signal receptors and lipid molecules, as well as the design and modification of CAR-T cells. By establishing a quantitative mass spectrometry system, it was discovered that TCR is a signal self-regulatory receptor that includes both activating and inhibitory motifs. The novel E28Z CAR-T cells designed based on this theoretical foundation have shown strong anti-tumor activity in both hematological and solid tumor models. The research findings were published in CELL and were selected as one of the "Top Ten Advances in Chinese Life Sciences" for 2020 and one of the "Important Medical Progress" in China for 2020. In addition, she wrote a review article on the regulation of T cell signaling by lipid molecules on the cell membrane, which was published in Nature Reviews Immunology. She has a systematic understanding of the molecular mechanisms by which lipid molecules regulate T cells, which can lay the foundation for future research.